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The Differences and Similarities between Students’ Oriented Methods and Teacher Oriented Methods of Teaching

The Differences and Similarities between Students’ Oriented Methods and Teacher Oriented Methods of Teaching


Teaching is a set of events, outside the learners which are designed to support internal process of learning. Teaching (Instruction) is outside the learner. Learning is internal to learners. You cannot motivate others if you are not self-motivated. Motives are not seen, but, Behaviors are seen. Is learning a motive or behavior? Learning is both a motive and behavior but only behavior is seen, learning is internal, performance is external. (Inyang, 2021). To achieve the goal of teaching, the teacher must adopt effective teaching methods in education. The teacher has many options to choose from different teaching techniques designed specifically for teaching and learning. Writing lesson plans is a foremost thing that a teacher must do before executing any teaching strategy in the class. The teaching method should be adopted on the basis of certain criteria like the knowledge of the students, the environment and the set of learning goals decided in the academic curriculum.

However, Students oriented methods (sometimes referred to as discovery learning, inductive learning, or inquiry learning) place a much stronger emphasis on the learner’s role in the learning process. When you are using students oriented methods to teaching, you still set the learning agenda but you have much less direct control over what and how students learn. In recent times there has being a foundational shift from traditional classroom, a learner centered approach does not eliminate the teacher. A learner centered environment creates a more collaborative way to teach (Katie, 2014).

The Differences and Similarities between Students’ Oriented Methods and Teacher Oriented Methods of Teaching


According to Caroline, 2019, students oriented methods of teaching sees the learner as active agents. The students exhibit their own knowledge, past experiences, education and ideas and this impacts how they take on board new information and learn. It differs significantly from a traditional method of instruction as it presents the students as “blank slates” and teachers as experts who must impart all relevant information whereas the students oriented methods creates a dynamic classroom where students participate actively where while the teacher take a more passive role.

Teachers, who are committed to student-centered instruction, presumably base their instructional decisions on a basic set of assumptions about the way children learn and what they need in the classroom. For example, if such teachers believe that children need to be active participants in the learning process, engage in critical thinking and participate in the problem-solving process, it seems logical to expect them to choose classroom management strategies such as conflict resolution and peer mediation that foster the same skills

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According to Ukpong and Eka (2020) A teacher-centred approach is one where activity in the class is centred on the teacher. It can be compared to a learner-centred approach. Teacher-centred lessons are generally associated with traditional approaches to language learning, but teacher-centred activity can be useful in a variety of ways in teaching. The teacher is an effective model of the target language and an important source of information on how the learners are doing.

Teacher oriented methods, the curriculum relies on the teacher to use their expertise in helping the learner understand and make connections where the learners take in a receptive role in the learning. The teacher acts as a knowledge source and the student are the knowledge receivers. The learners do their work alone where they do exercises related to the teacher’s presentation during or after the lesson. The teacher-centered approach describes learners as basically passive while the teachers are active since teachers are the main focus in this approach which is considered sensible since the teachers are familiar with the language which the learners are not.


It is clear that there are various evidence that the learners centered method out rank the teacher centered methods which is reflected in the production (output) of real- world results. Many ways that student oriented methods are better than the teacher oriented methods include the following:

  1. Stronger relationships between students and teachers through shared experiences.
  2. Allowing students to gain competency and mastery at their own pace before moving to other topics.
  3. Teaches students how to devise their strategies for learning.
  4. Teaching students how to monitor their progress as they learn new material.
  5. Improves students’ communication and collaboration skills.
  6. Stronger relationships between students and teachers through shared experiences.
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This pattern of teaching are changing the role of teachers as teachers serve as facilitators, coach, conductor etc. and for students, teachers and schools to reap the benefits teachers must understand their new roles. Ukpe (2013), agreed with this point as he stated that the new roles may be beneficial to the teachers:

Firstly, the method presents the teachers as facilitators and places the teachers in positions where they can academically challenge the students in other to enhance their learning. The teachers work is reduced as what he needs to do is to guide students thought.

Secondly, it creates continuous self-improvement amongst teachers as teachers review and develops their area of specialization and methods of delivery. The confidence gained from implementing the students’ oriented methods is also measurable in that teachers obtain relevant and constructive feedback from more highly engaged students.

Thirdly, students oriented methods allows for professional development for academia with regards to the development of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant both for personal development and career advancement. It also enhances teachers’ flexibility in designing new ways of teaching their subjects.

  1. Students develop learning and other skills and gain meaningful knowledge that will help them throughout life.
  2. It can help to build social skills and self-esteem.
  3. And also students gain more emotional and cognitive support from their peers.
  4. The relationship between rights and responsibilities is learned.
  5. Students discover that learning is interesting and fun.
  6. Teachers have less traditional work to do.
  7. Students are more attentive and willing to participate in the class.
  8. Complaints about irrelevance and unfairness decrease.
  9. Reports and papers generated by students increase a teacher’s collection of useful information.
  10. The pupil has more of an active role to play in their learning.
  11. Students can adapt the way they learn, to make their studies more effective.
  12. The ideal situation for this type group work is that weaker students should be placed with more able students to act as scaffolding.
  13. Students work on projects or problems in teams with both personal and team accountability for conceptual understanding.
  14. Students work together in achieving goals by upholding the norms of the group.
  15. Students are actively helping and motivating spirit to succeed together.
  16. Active role as peer tutors to further enhance the group’s success.
  17. Interaction between students with increasing their ability to argue.
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Teacher oriented method is better than students oriented method

In the other hand, teacher oriented method is better than students’ oriented method in the following ways:

  1. The teacher is able to impart their wisdom to the students
  2. When the approach is teacher-centered, the classroom is well disciplined. The students are quite and you would have complete control of the classroom
  3. The students will never miss out on an important topic
  4. When education is teacher-centered, the classroom remains orderly. Students are quiet, and you retain full control of the classroom and its activities. Because students learn on their own, they learn independence and make their own decisions.
  5. Since the students would be learning by their own it makes the student be more independent and it helps them to take decisions on their own. The teachers monitor everything and are able to correct every student

The Differences and Similarities between Students’ Oriented Methods and Teacher Oriented Methods of Teaching


In conclusively, teachers seeking to establish learning communities in their classrooms will still need  adopt learners centred pattern of teaching in other to inculcate all the students which is the familiar management strategies of articulating clear expectations, modeling or providing instruction in desired procedures, cueing students when these procedures are needed, and applying sufficient pressure to compel changes in behavior when students have failed to respond to more positive methods. However, the procedures taught to students will need to include the full set that applies in learning communities, not just the subset that applies in transmission classes.


Carolina, N. (2019). From learner- centered to learning centered: Becoming a ‘hybrid’ Practitioner. International Journal of Educational Research, 97, (4) 53-64.

Katie, D. (2014). Becoming a self – regulated learner: An overview, Theory into practice, 41 (2), 64-70.

Inyang, Harrison (2021) Teaching, Training and Learning – Business Education Publishers,

Etima Harrison

Etima Harrison is an accomplished researcher and the driving force behind, a leading platform for quality academic research writing. With a solid educational background that includes a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in English Language and Political Science, a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education, and a Master's degree in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Etima has honed expertise in the academic field. Boasting over 10 years of experience, Etima has successfully authored more than 1,000 research papers for students ranging from ND to PhD levels. Their work is recognized not only in Nigeria but also globally, making a trusted resource for students and academics seeking top-notch research support. Etima's commitment to excellence and passion for education have cemented their reputation as a leader in the field of academic research.

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