Assignments and Seminars

Inter-Tribal Marriage and National Integration

Inter-Tribal Marriage and National Integration


It is of paramount importance for a country as diverse as Nigeria to pursue with vigor the full attainment of national integration, so as to promote peaceful co-existence among different ethnic groups that make up the geopolitical territory called Nigeria. It is a universal truth that national integration and peaceful co-existence go hand in hand, just like Siamese twins which cannot be separated easily. This relationship could further be explained or construed in the sense that none can exist without the other. In other words, no nation can enjoy peaceful co-existence without laying a solid foundation that would precipitate, encourage or entrench national integration.

Inter-Tribal Marriage and National Integration

 Intertribal or inter-ethnic marriage is a form of marriage where a man and a woman from different tribes or ethnic group come together in a marriage institution. It presupposes a situation whereby a man or a woman marries outside his or her tribe or ethnicity. In other words, inter-tribal marriage is a marriage between a man and a woman of different ethnic groups or tribes. Inter-religious marriage presupposes a situation whereby a man and a woman from different religious beliefs come together as husband and wife. Interestingly, these forms of marriage are now very common among our youths, who do not see anything morally wrong in marrying someone from a different tribe, religious or denominational background

Interracial marriages have its benefits cultural-wise and the most important is cultural integration. “Go into the world and multiply”, how do we multiply if we are stuck in the same geographical space? Interracial marriage encourages a mix in cultural ideology, financial growth and national stability. In an article by Cooper, he says:  “the ability to integrate culturally has been ranked as more important to the success of acquisitions than financial and strategic factors.” In the same vein, different cultural lifestyle means a different way of thinking; different values, different beliefs, and different lifestyles. Living together with someone from a different culture will empower you to approach issues from a different point of view and transform you into a more open-minded person.

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This have further strengthened the chord of unity among various ethnic nationalities since the end of the unfortunate Nigerian civil war. In defense of inter-tribal marriage as a potent chord that ensures unity, peace, and harmonious co-existence, Adegbulugbe (2007), pointed out that inter-tribal marriage succeeds and even more successful than tribal marriage, as a result the youths should not be afraid to enter into it so as to promote the unity of the country.

The role of intertribal marriage as a promoter of national integration and peaceful co-existence was further stressed by Azuh (nd) when he identified tribalism and ethno centralism as one of the factors militating against progress and development of Nigeria. Therefore, to ameliorate this situation intertribal cum inter-religious marriage should be encouraged among our youths, so as to strengthen our nascent democracy and bring about the needed development.

From the forgoing, it is crystal clear that democracy, good governance and sustainable development cannot take root in our country, if we do not encourage intertribal and interreligious marriage. Meliga (2013) was right in acknowledging the fact that most people agree that intertribal marriages foster unity among the people of Nigeria and can be veritable tool for national integration. The reason for the above assertion is not far-fetched; those who married from other tribes are found to be more open, liberal, accommodating and often radiate with tolerance in their interaction and association with the people of other tribes.


Inter marriage is the only source whereby Nigeria’s unity, development and peaceful co-existence are not negotiable. Our diversities in area of culture language, tribe, and religion, must be seen by all as a blessing and not a curse, because variety they say is the spice of life. Concerted effort must be put in place by formulation of policies and reforms that would help promote national integration and peaceful co-existence. However, one of the strategies that must be pursued to ensure a far-reaching national integration and peaceful co-existence is to create a meeting point that would ensure and enhance integration between one ethnic nationality or tribe and another

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Alba, Richard D. and Golden, Reid. M. (1986). «Patterns of Ethnic Marriages in the United States». Social Forces, 65 (1), 202-223.

Francis, D.J. (2006), Peace and Conflict Studies; an African Overview of Basic Concepts. In S.G, Best (Ed), Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies In West Africa. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited.

Etima Harrison

Etima Harrison is an accomplished researcher and the driving force behind, a leading platform for quality academic research writing. With a solid educational background that includes a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in English Language and Political Science, a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education, and a Master's degree in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Etima has honed expertise in the academic field. Boasting over 10 years of experience, Etima has successfully authored more than 1,000 research papers for students ranging from ND to PhD levels. Their work is recognized not only in Nigeria but also globally, making a trusted resource for students and academics seeking top-notch research support. Etima's commitment to excellence and passion for education have cemented their reputation as a leader in the field of academic research.

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