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Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower

Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower


This article is a critique of Jasper Eberendu’s the withered Flower. The notion of critique, as in the idea of a critical theory of society, is in urgent need of clarification both theoretically and methodologically. Critique is a literary technique that means to critically evaluate a piece of literary work, or a political or philosophical theory in detail. This paper raises questions, takes notice of authors writing style, experimental approaches, and reviews the significance of the results.

This paper attempts to review Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower using phenomenological approach in emphasize the participants’ perceptions, feelings and experiences as the paramount object of the text. Apart from that, its purpose is to highlight both the shortcomings as well as strengths of text to the society. The language of African literature cannot be discussed meaningfully outside the context of those social forces which have made it both an issue demanding our attention, and a problem calling for a resolution.

As a mirror, literature x-rays the ills of the society and condemns them as well as promoting and encouraging the good virtues exhibited by members of the society in their various endeavourers. As aesthetic and stylistic as the use of language appears in this text, there is a balances conformity and non-conformity to conventional syntactic rule.

Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower


The Withered Flower is a piece of literary work with the objective of relating time and life, carefully and systematically selecting His literary writing device, Jasper Eberendu in his context present a picture of today’s society. The text rally round the life of a young lady named Jennifer who failed to plan never knowing she was planning to fail. In the context of the novel it is observed that girls of this present day are carried away due to their beauty, not minding the effect of time in life. The beauty of a woman fades with time and age.

Jasper Eberendu is a Nigerian with the passion to impart positive on humanity using fictional creative writing. He is a HSE consultant with a Master of Science in Occupational Health and Safety from the Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of Port-Harcuort Rivers State, Nigeria. He is also HSE lecturer at the University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. The novel is highly recommended by scholars’ to be read by students and the society at large.


Eberendu’s The Withered Flower is a text that revolves round the life of a beautiful lady who lost all in life to arrogance and pride. In the context of the authors view, Eberendu creatively uses literary device to disseminate information across to young ladies of this generation especially those in tertiary institution that believe they have all the time they want. In as much as girl’s education is important this should not be an excuse for planning the future as regard to marriage.

Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Floweris a novella which exists between the novel and short story, too short to be a novel, too long to be a short story. It is suggested that the size restriction of the form produces various stylistic results, both some that are shared with the novel or short story, and others unique to the form. Eberendu in the context bring to the understanding of the society that a woman equally has the right of choice making but to some extent thus;

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“Now that you are in the university, why don’t we get married?” Chris asked. “Look Chris! I don’t want to get married until I finish my NYSC programmer. Please don’t talk about that again. If not for the respect I have for you I would have walked out on you,” Jennifer replied.

To some, the literature is very small but at the same time it should be considered that the “Quantity does not matter, rather the quality”. This piece of literary work informs and educates everybody in society.

Jasper I. Eberendu’s The Withered Flower analyses the nemesis of time and chance. If only it were possible to turn back the hands of time, many would have grabbed the opportunity to make amends. The opportunity a girl has to get married lasts within her days of blossom. The beauty of a woman naturally is accredited from the inside that is “character” and to achieve that, we have to be loving and caring towards our fellow human that is being patriotic. Eberendu in his context also tries to capture the picture of life as illusion.

Eberendu in his context used literary device and style in composing this piece of literary work which serves as a deterrent to this generation in the society, especially ladies in tertiary institution that believe they have all the time they want. Eberendu in the context of the novel views the beauty of a woman to be accredited from the inside that is “attitude” and to achieve that; a woman needs to be patriotic loving and caring. Jasper I. Eberendu in his context also tries to capture the picture of life illusion in the character of Jennifer.

The author systematically selects characters, plot including time and place in justifying his themes though the chapters are without subtitle. This novel aims at understanding gender inequality and focuses on gender politics, power relations, and sexuality. While providing a critique of these social relations, Eberendu’s text also focuses on the promotion of women’s rights and interests.

This novel is objectively and subjectively applicable as it portrays nemesis of time as life phenomenon. Eberendu’s The Withered Flower gives a vivid analysis of the time and chances women have in life in the ladies context Eberendu intends to relate information to young ladies of this generation that believe they have all the time they want. Time is seen by human as unit of life and for this purpose it wait upon know man. Chief Jacobs and his wife advised their daughter during their conversation in the bedroom. They advised her on the issue of marriage;

Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower

“We are happy to see so many suitors asking for your hand in marriage. It signifies that we are responsible people. Look here my daughter, marriage is a wonderful phenomenon and very interesting, but it all depends on your choice. Remember the proverb that says that as you make your bed, so you must lie on it. So my dear, be wise, make the right choice and live happily thereafter.

Listen, we are not persuading you to marry now, rather we assume that you are old enough to take suitable decisions on marriage issues, therefore, we deem it wise to call and advise you, so that you don’t make mistakes that will make your life miserable. The ball is in your court; it is either you choose no when in the university or immediately after your university education. Just know that we are solidly behind you in any right choice you make.” (p.9)

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After Jennifer’s secondary education, Jennifer’s parent started allowing suitors and at this point they advised her on marital affairs when is right to go into marriage although she had her choice of life (pg.10-11). Jennifer’s mother during their dialogue told Jennifer that no matter what she planned she should have at the back of his mind that the beauty of a woman is like a flower which blossom by day and withered by night. Jennifer taught she had all the time to do what she desire.

The Beauty of a woman is accredited from the inside that is “character” and to achieve that, she has to be loving and caring to fellow humans.

What a lesson to learn? Opportunities they said “comes and goes”. Jennifer failed to take the chances knocking at her door; thinking it will keep coming till she dies or it will wait for her forever. It equally brings to understanding of the society the reward of evil plans towards others. Jennifer tried to plot against her innocent course mate Joy same happened to her when she was about getting married to Anderson, there nemesis cut-up against her and turned her fortune to misfortune thus ;

In the night of that same day, around 9pm, Jennifer went to her brother’s room. She knocked on the door and was asked to come in. Ken was in bed about to sleep when the knock came, so he sat up as he waited to see the visitor. “Hey jenny, what brings you here by this time of the night’? I hope all is well?”“Ken, all is not well at all ‘there is a big problem.” There was a trace of anger in her voice and this made him anxious. So he quickly asked what the problem was. “Your so call fiancée,” she snapped. “What about her?”“Ken, she is not the right person for you.”“Why?” he asked, still puzzled. “Look Ken, I know that 1rI more than you do. She is a notorious slut.”“Jennifer how dare you slander an innocent girl’? Do you think I just met her and proposed to her without taking my time to know who she really is? (P.35)

As portrayed by Eberendu in the context intends to relate the effect of perpetuating evil. Though it may seem that karma does not exist according to the view of many but it is pertinent to understand that what goes around comes around. From the view point of the author, he focuses on the effect of karma in our today society. Jennifer tried to plot against her innocent course mate, same happened to her when she was about getting married to Anderson, there her evil deeds speaks against her and turned her fortune to misfortune. Jasper Eberendu portrays the theme retribution putting it to the society that what goes around comes around thus;

“Of course, yes! I don’t joke with issues like this. “Is she someone I may know?” Joy asked smiling, raising her eye brow. “I don’t know really, but she is the Branch Manager of Treasures Bank Plc in this town.”“What!” Joy was shocked, but she continued, “Wait a minute, did you say Treasures Bank Plc?”“Yes.”  “Alright, what is her name?” “Jennifer.” “God forbid!” She snapped.

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“Joy, what is it?” Mama asked, looking worried. “Do you know her?” Anderson added. “Can you remember when you were still in the United States of America, that I called you on phone narrating my ordeal in the hands of my so-called sister in-law when Ken was about to marry me?”“Yes.”“She is the person you are talking about.” “Holy Moses!” Anderson exclaimed.

“Tufiakwa” Mama flared up. “That lady is not in good terms with any of her family relations. In fact, she has never stepped her foot into this house because her brother got married to me against her wish. I have told you the story already, no need repeating it.”“Wait- o! Anderson, do you want to marry just to answer a husband? What about answering a father?” Mama asked. Anderson looked so confused but his mother ignored him and continued. “If the lady you proposed to marry is the one your sister is talking about, then you must be out of your senses.

How can you propose marriage to someone who is very close to her menopause if she isn’t in it already, when you desperately need a son? By my calculation, that lady must be in her mid-forties, because she is almost of the same age with your sister. Please my son, even if she is a good woman, her chances of giving birth are very puny. It is too late to take such chances now.”“Never fiend, Andy, I can see you’re very confused about whom to marry. I will help you out,” Joy grinned, look in at her puzzled brother. . (p.56)

Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower


Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower. As a mirror of society or a channel through which the social, political, cultural and economic issues that ravage a given society are explored, this piece of art work informs and educates the young and old, male and female and the general public. Jennifer failed to take the chances knocking at her door; thinking it will keep coming till she dies or it will wait for her forever. It also brings to mind the reward of evil plans towards other. This is to say that it pays to be of good behavior and obedience not to be insolent and disrespectful. For a saying says that “what goes around comes around”.


Critical Analysis of Jasper Eberendu’s The Withered Flower. In conclusion, Jasper I. Eberendu’s “The Withered Flower”, it can be said that “Beauty without character”, is no beauty. Beauty of a woman is accredited from the inside that is “character” and to achieve that, we have to be loving and caring towards our fellow human that is being patriotic. Jasper I. Eberendu in his context also tries to capture the picture of life illusion in the life of Jennifer. Jennifer mum said to her daughter, that she should “make hay while the sun shines”. This implies more on the place of advice in our daily endeavor.

Work Cited

Jasper, E (2012).The Withered Flower; Mid-Field Publishers Limited

Honneth, A. (2000). ‘The possibility of a disclosing critique of society: The “Dialectic of Enlightenment” in light of current debate in social criticism’, Constellations

Honneth, A. (2004). ‘Organized self-realization: Some paradoxes of individualization’, European Journal of Social Theory

Etima Harrison

Etima Harrison is an accomplished researcher and the driving force behind, a leading platform for quality academic research writing. With a solid educational background that includes a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in English Language and Political Science, a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education, and a Master's degree in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Etima has honed expertise in the academic field. Boasting over 10 years of experience, Etima has successfully authored more than 1,000 research papers for students ranging from ND to PhD levels. Their work is recognized not only in Nigeria but also globally, making a trusted resource for students and academics seeking top-notch research support. Etima's commitment to excellence and passion for education have cemented their reputation as a leader in the field of academic research.

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