Past Questions and Answers

100 Current JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Past Questions and Answers

100 Current JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Past Questions and Answers with multiple-choice options (A-D) and the correct answer highlighted.

Old Testament Themes and Characters

  1. God created man in His image to
    A) Worship Him
    B) Have dominion over creation
    C) Populate the earth
    D) Offer sacrifices
  2. The first sin committed by Adam and Eve was
    A) Pride
    B) Disobedience
    C) Lying
    D) Stealing
  3. God called Abraham to
    A) Build a great city
    B) Offer sacrifices
    C) Be the father of many nations
    D) Fight for Israel
  4. The Ten Commandments were given to
    A) Noah
    B) Moses
    C) Joshua
    D) David
  5. The Israelites were delivered from Egypt during the reign of
    A) Pharaoh Ramses
    B) King Nebuchadnezzar
    C) King Herod
    D) Pontius Pilate

The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ

  1. Jesus was born in
    A) Nazareth
    B) Bethlehem
    C) Jerusalem
    D) Capernaum
  2. John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the
    A) Red Sea
    B) Jordan River
    C) Mediterranean Sea
    D) Dead Sea
  3. Jesus performed His first miracle at
    A) Jerusalem
    B) Cana
    C) Bethany
    D) Nazareth
  4. The Sermon on the Mount is recorded in
    A) Matthew 5-7
    B) Mark 4
    C) Luke 10
    D) John 3
  5. Jesus fed 5000 people with
    A) Five loaves and two fish
    B) Seven loaves and five fish
    C) Ten loaves and three fish
    D) Two loaves and four fish

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

  1. Jesus was betrayed by
    A) Peter
    B) Judas Iscariot
    C) John
    D) Thomas
  2. Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to
    A) Be imprisoned
    B) Death by stoning
    C) Death by crucifixion
    D) A fine
  3. Jesus was crucified at
    A) Mount Sinai
    B) Golgotha
    C) Jerusalem
    D) Nazareth
  4. On the third day, Jesus
    A) Ascended to heaven
    B) Rose from the dead
    C) Appeared to Pilate
    D) Went to Galilee
  5. The resurrection of Jesus signifies
    A) The end of Christianity
    B) The defeat of Satan
    C) The beginning of the Old Testament
    D) The failure of the Jews

The Early Church and Apostles

  1. The Holy Spirit came on the disciples on
    A) Passover
    B) Pentecost
    C) Easter
    D) Good Friday
  2. Saul was converted on his way to
    A) Jerusalem
    B) Antioch
    C) Damascus
    D) Rome
  3. The first Christian martyr was
    A) Peter
    B) John
    C) Stephen
    D) Paul
  4. Paul and Silas were imprisoned in
    A) Philippi
    B) Corinth
    C) Athens
    D) Ephesus
  5. The apostle who doubted Jesus’ resurrection was
    A) John
    B) James
    C) Andrew
    D) Thomas
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Christian Living and Ethics

  1. The greatest commandment, according to Jesus, is
    A) Love your enemies
    B) Love your neighbor
    C) Love the Lord your God
    D) Obey the laws
  2. The fruits of the Holy Spirit include
    A) Love, joy, peace
    B) Hatred, anger, jealousy
    C) Fear, sorrow, sadness
    D) Pride, deceit, malice
  3. The parable of the Prodigal Son teaches
    A) Hard work
    B) Forgiveness
    C) Judgment
    D) Friendship
  4. The Golden Rule states
    A) Love your friends
    B) Do to others as you want them to do to you
    C) Give to the poor
    D) Pray every day
  5. Christians are called the
    A) Light of the world
    B) Judges of the world
    C) Rulers of the world
    D) Teachers of the world

100 Current JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Past Questions and Answers

More New Testament Teachings

  1. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called
    A) The righteous
    B) The sons of God
    C) The humble
    D) The wise
  2. The Good Samaritan showed
    A) Humility
    B) Compassion
    C) Greed
    D) Fear
  3. Faith without works is
    A) Strong
    B) Dead
    C) Good
    D) Unnecessary
  4. Jesus turned water into wine at
    A) Jerusalem
    B) Bethany
    C) Cana
    D) Galilee
  5. The woman who anointed Jesus with expensive perfume was
    A) Martha
    B) Mary Magdalene
    C) Ruth
    D) Rebecca

Final Questions on Christian Doctrine

  1. The Bible teaches that salvation is through
    A) Good works
    B) Jesus Christ
    C) Giving to the poor
    D) Fasting
  2. The Ten Commandments were given on
    A) Mount Sinai
    B) Mount Zion
    C) Mount Olive
    D) Mount Nebo
  3. The shortest verse in the Bible is
    A) Jesus is Lord
    B) Jesus wept
    C) In the beginning
    D) Love one another
  4. The longest Psalm in the Bible is
    A) Psalm 23
    B) Psalm 100
    C) Psalm 119
    D) Psalm 150
  5. The last book of the Bible is
    A) Acts
    B) Revelation
    C) Hebrews
    D) Jude

The Old Testament and Prophets (Continued)

  1. The father of faith in the Bible is
    A) Moses
    B) David
    C) Abraham
    D) Noah
  2. God promised to make Abraham’s descendants as numerous as
    A) The fishes in the sea
    B) The stars in the sky
    C) The mountains
    D) The waves of the sea
  3. The sign of God’s covenant with Noah was
    A) A rainbow
    B) A dove
    C) A star
    D) A fire
  4. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land?
    A) Moses
    B) Aaron
    C) Joshua
    D) Caleb
  5. David was anointed as king by
    A) Elijah
    B) Elisha
    C) Samuel
    D) Nathan
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Life and Teachings of Jesus (Continued)

  1. Jesus’ greatest commandment is
    A) Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor
    B) Pay your tithes
    C) Observe the Sabbath
    D) Be baptized
  2. The parable of the sower teaches about
    A) Different types of soils
    B) Hard work
    C) Obedience
    D) Repentance
  3. The disciple who denied Jesus three times was
    A) Peter
    B) John
    C) Judas Iscariot
    D) Thomas
  4. The Last Supper was held during
    A) Christmas
    B) Passover
    C) Pentecost
    D) Easter
  5. The two thieves crucified with Jesus were
    A) Both repentant
    B) Both unrepentant
    C) One repentant, one unrepentant
    D) Brothers

100 Current JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Past Questions and Answers

The Early Church (Continued)

  1. Paul was originally called
    A) Peter
    B) Saul
    C) Silas
    D) Cornelius
  2. The first Gentile convert in the New Testament was
    A) Barnabas
    B) Cornelius
    C) Lydia
    D) Timothy
  3. The Holy Spirit came in the form of
    A) Wind and fire
    B) Water
    C) A rainbow
    D) Thunder
  4. The council at Jerusalem decided that
    A) Gentiles must be circumcised
    B) Gentiles could be Christians without circumcision
    C) Only Jews could be saved
    D) Paul should not preach
  5. The apostle imprisoned on the island of Patmos was
    A) Paul
    B) Peter
    C) John
    D) James

Christian Living and Ethics (Continued)

  1. Jesus taught that the greatest in God’s kingdom is
    A) The richest
    B) The strongest
    C) The most humble
    D) The most intelligent
  2. The wages of sin is
    A) Death
    B) Poverty
    C) Punishment
    D) Suffering
  3. The greatest gift according to Paul is
    A) Prophecy
    B) Love
    C) Miracles
    D) Speaking in tongues
  4. Christians are called to be
    A) The salt and light of the world
    B) The rulers of the world
    C) Judges of the world
    D) Prophets
  5. Paul compared the Christian life to
    A) A race
    B) A market
    C) A mountain
    D) A battlefield
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More Questions on the New Testament

  1. The rich young ruler refused to follow Jesus because
    A) He loved his wealth
    B) He was too busy
    C) He was not sure of Jesus
    D) He was afraid
  2. The woman who met Jesus at the well was from
    A) Galilee
    B) Judea
    C) Samaria
    D) Egypt
  3. Jesus wept at the death of
    A) Lazarus
    B) John the Baptist
    C) Peter
    D) James
  4. The mother of John the Baptist was
    A) Mary
    B) Elizabeth
    C) Anna
    D) Ruth
  5. Jesus said He is the
    A) Light of the world
    B) King of the world
    C) Prophet of the world
    D) Soldier of God

100 Current JAMB Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Past Questions and Answers

Final Set of Questions

  1. Who wrote most of the New Testament letters?
    A) Peter
    B) Paul
    C) John
    D) James
  2. Jesus healed a blind man by
    A) Praying
    B) Laying hands
    C) Spitting on the ground and making clay
    D) Touching his eyes
  3. The shortest book in the New Testament is
    A) 2 John
    B) 3 John
    C) Philemon
    D) Jude
  4. The first person to see Jesus after His resurrection was
    A) Peter
    B) Mary Magdalene
    C) John
    D) Thomas
  5. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me because
    A) They are innocent
    B) They will be rich
    C) The kingdom of heaven belongs to them
    D) They are the future
  6. The second coming of Jesus is called
    A) The Rapture
    B) The Passover
    C) The Resurrection
    D) The Reformation
  7. The fruit of the Spirit includes
    A) Hatred
    B) Self-control
    C) Envy
    D) Anger
  8. The disciple who replaced Judas Iscariot was
    A) Paul
    B) Silas
    C) Matthias
    D) Barnabas
  9. Paul and Barnabas disagreed over
    A) Money
    B) John Mark
    C) Fasting
    D) Prayers
  10. The Bible verse that says “For God so loved the world” is
    A) Matthew 28:19
    B) John 3:16
    C) Luke 10:25
    D) Mark 5:10

Etima Harrison

Etima Harrison is an accomplished researcher and the driving force behind, a leading platform for quality academic research writing. With a solid educational background that includes a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in English Language and Political Science, a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education, and a Master's degree in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Etima has honed expertise in the academic field. Boasting over 10 years of experience, Etima has successfully authored more than 1,000 research papers for students ranging from ND to PhD levels. Their work is recognized not only in Nigeria but also globally, making a trusted resource for students and academics seeking top-notch research support. Etima's commitment to excellence and passion for education have cemented their reputation as a leader in the field of academic research.

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