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Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria

Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria


One of the indices by which a nation’s growth and advancement can be measured is by her science and technological endowment and not by the level of her endowment in natural and human resources. A nation’s economic efficiency is determined, measured, compared, classified and ranked by its science and technological advancement. Science and technology represent a successively larger category of activities which are highly interdependent but distinct. Science contributes to technology in at least six ways:

(1) new knowledge which serves as a direct  source of ideas for new technological possibilities;

(2) source of tools and techniques for more efficient engineering design and a knowledge base for evaluation of feasibility of designs;

(3) research instrumentation, laboratory techniques and analytical methods used in research that eventually find their way into design or industrial practices, often through intermediate disciplines;

(4) practice of research as a source for develop- ment and assimilation of new human skills and capabilities eventually useful for technology;

(5) creation of a knowledge base that becomes increasingly important in the assessment of technology in terms of its wider social and environmental impacts;

(6) knowledge base that enables more efficient strategies of applied research, development, and refinement of new technologies.

The converse impact of technology on science is of at least equal importance:

(1) through providing fertile source of novel scientific questions and thereby also helping to justify the allocation of resources needed to address these questions in an efficient and timely manner, extending the agenda of science;

(2) as a source of otherwise unavailable instrumentation and techniques needed to address novel and more difficult scientific questions more efficiently.

Various authorities have differently defined the Technology is derived from the root word “techne” which means activities by which man seeks to adapt to his environment. It is said that technology development pertains to development witnessed through industrial activities Chete (2006).

Technology embraces the means by a man controls or modifies his natural environment. It is also seen as a special kind of knowledge which is directed towards practical applications in the physical and social world. It is also defined as the application of practical, mechanical and scientific knowledge to industry and commerce. More so, technology is understood as the body of organized knowledge, tools and machines used by man to manipulate his environment to satisfy his basic needs Glen (1999) further definition of technology puts it as a systematic application of manufacturing methods and industrial arts to enhance efficiency in human activities. Simply put, technology is defined as the result of man’s efforts to do things more efficiently and effectively. Technology is also defined as way or means of accomplishing a task Campbell (2010).

Indigenous Technology

When a technology is sufficiently pure to be composed of the art and artifacts of a society, developed over the years among the people and peculiar to the people, it is referred to as indigenous. It is often an outstanding attribute of the society which is closely linked with specific areas of success in their lives. While indigenous technology can be considered location-specific, its spread will indicate the relatedness among people across a given geographic area. So an indigenous technology may be found among people of common ancestry. For instance, the use of mortar to grind pepper practiced among the Igbos, among others Chete (2006). There no society that is entirely devoid of technology and the dynamism of technology reflects the extent to which the society is open to technological advancement.

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Any nation can be seen as suffering from effect of lack of technological growth when viewed against the following checklist.

  1. Is the nation able to produce heavy duty equipment such as tractors, lathe machines, drilling machines, cars, trains, and other equipment for executing her capital projects?
  2. Is she having the technological knowhow to explore and exploit her natural environment or rather depends on foreign technology and expertise to undertake the exploitation of her natural environment?
  3. Does she export her unfinished products to other countries abroad?
  4. Is she dependent on other countries for the supply of her spare parts for industrial machinery?
  5. Is her agriculture mechanized or crude implements are still used for agricultural activities by a large percentage of those who are involved in agricultural production?

Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria

Recognizing issues that are responsible for the problem of technological growth is strategic to attainment of technological emancipation Nigeria deserves. The factors affecting Nigeria’s technological growth can be grouped into two, namely, internal and external factors.


It has been acknowledged that the attainment of technological growth will depend on the development of strategic industrial policy structure and infrastructural base for the implementation of such policy for global economic competiveness. Some of the internal factors include: porous infrastructural base, high index of corruption and internal security.
Porous Infrastructural Base

The current infrastructure base in Nigeria is grossly adequate in terms of capacity and quality and is not capable of catering for the anticipated industrial development. Despite government investments, Nigeria still has huge infrastructure deficits, particularly with regards to power generation. The current power generation capacity is less than 2000 Megawatt, which is about 20 per cent of the estimated national demand.

High Index of Corruption

Nigeria ranks highly in the Corruption Perception Index. This has implication for investment and the flow of foreign investment into the country. Previous anti-corruption policies implemented in Nigeria have been targeted at enforcement measures rather than addressing the root causes. The root causes of corruption in Nigeria have been identified to include social insecurity and over-centralization of resources at the centre. Even though there are suitable laws and viable institutions to fight corruption in Nigeria, the greatest challenge is in formulating a strategic plan of action to deal with the root causes.

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Internal Security

The internal security of Nigeria has become a very big challenge in recent times. Internal conflicts, kidnappings, insurgency, including religious, ethnic and economic crisis, have had effects on the economy, most notably by scaring investors from certain parts of the country.

Lack of Purposeful Leadership

Selfishness or selfish interest on the part of our leaders is a jinx that needs to be broken for Nigeria to record any meaningful technological growth. Yet Government attitude towards breaking the jinx of technological backwardness in Nigeria is laughable.

Government Attitude towards Policy Implementation

Nigeria had had several national development plans. The first National Development Plan (1962-68), was formally launched in 1962. The Second National Development Plan (1970-74) was launched when Nigeria’s newly acquired the status of a major petroleum producing country. The Third National Development Plan (1975-80) was launched at the height of the oil boom.


Negative Influence Posed by Our Colonial Masters

The British came to Nigeria among other reason, for economic reason- as a ready market for their sprits, dane guns, mirrors and other goods. Before the advent of colonialism Nigerians were involved in many aspects of industrial and practical arts. They made their own homes and other implements for farming, etc.

  1. Relegation of Indigenous Knowledge

The advent of modern technology is largely thought by many agricultural experts to have impeded the development of local and indigenous knowledge in the fields of agriculture in Nigeria. The usefulness of this indigenous knowledge (technology) is however all encompassing as it is the basis for agriculture, health care, food preparation, education, environmental conservation and a host of other activities.

Wrong Philosophy of Western Education

Western education is the main and proper channel for technological emancipation provided it is built on appropriate philosophy of education. The philosophy of Nigerian education during the colonial period was built on the wrong philosophy as can be confirmed by the statements of Lord Lugard and Rev. J. C. Taylor who said respectively:

  • Conflicting Interest in Transfer of Technology

While the receiver wants technology to bring independence, modernity, and prosperity, the donors do not want receivers to be lifted up but only want to create supplies of what they need and maintain markets for what they produce. For instance some countries did not want Nigeria to have steel mills so as to make Nigeria a dumping ground for steel products.

  1. Selfishness in Controlling Transfer of Technology

Technology is usually kept as a preserved property of the donor and thus the exclusive control is vested in them. The donors determine how far and how much the receiver can use the technology by retaining production of spare parts and other components. The technology can only be viable as long as it serves the goal of the donors with little or no concern for the receiver.

Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria


The economic transformation agenda, otherwise known as Nigeria Vision 20: 2020, sets the direction for the current industrial policy in Nigeria. The industrialization strategy aims to achieve global competitiveness for overall technological growth. This paper has identified various policy issues as well as socio-economic factors that constitute negative influences to the technological growth of Nigeria. However, the recommendations in this paper if judiciously implemented will ensure effective and efficient technology transfer, form a structural framework for technological growth and development, unlock technological growth potentials and serve as a sustainable development blueprint for the nation.

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 The following recommendations provide the way forward for the technological growth of this nation Nigeria. The following recommendations provide the way forward for the technological growth of this nation Nigeria.

  1. Copying Items in the Market

The idea is to buy and knock down products of interest in the workshops, study and analyze each component in the laboratories or workshops developed intentionally for component analysis and for building prototypes of items to be produced.

Selfless, Determined and Visionary Leadership

For Nigeria to be technologically developed there must be a leader who is sincere, vision oriented, focused and has Nigeria at heart and devoid of political sycophancy as common with our leaders but with passion for performance.

  1. Revamp the Steel Industry

For Nigeria to realize the goal of vision 20: 2020 there is need to revamp steel industries and this will have a positive impact in its economy, thereby creating employment for her citizenry.

  • Increase Funding for Our Research and

Development Institutes to reverse the trend of technological backwardness, Nigeria has to learn from other countries who allocate high percentage of their GDP for research and development (R&D). A good number of research institutions in Nigeria are not adequately funded. This implies a setback to the effectiveness of research work.

Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria

  1. Conflicting Interest in Transfer of Technology

While the receiver wants technology to bring independence, modernity, and prosperity, the donors do not want receivers to be lifted up but only want to create supplies of what they need and maintain markets for what they produce. For instance some countries did not want Nigeria to have steel mills so as to make Nigeria a dumping ground for steel products.


Campbell, C. (2010). A Framework for Understanding Technology and Technological Change.” The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 11 (1), Article 3.

Chete L. N. et-al (2006) Industrial development and growth in Nigeria: Lessons and challenges, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Ibadan.  The Nigerian Engineer (2003), Vol. 35 No. 4, December 2003.

Glen, L. (1999) Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as mechanism for Sustainable Development in Nigeria (SD): Potentials, Challenges and Policy, Journal of Vocational and technical Education.

Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria

Factors Affecting the Growth of Science Technological in Nigeria

Etima Harrison

Etima Harrison is an accomplished researcher and the driving force behind, a leading platform for quality academic research writing. With a solid educational background that includes a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in English Language and Political Science, a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education, and a Master's degree in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Etima has honed expertise in the academic field. Boasting over 10 years of experience, Etima has successfully authored more than 1,000 research papers for students ranging from ND to PhD levels. Their work is recognized not only in Nigeria but also globally, making a trusted resource for students and academics seeking top-notch research support. Etima's commitment to excellence and passion for education have cemented their reputation as a leader in the field of academic research.

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