Research Materials

Teachers Attitude and Effective Teaching of Primary School Mathematics

Teachers Attitude and Effective Teaching of Primary School Mathematics


This study was carried out on teacher’s attitude and effective teaching of primary school mathematics in Abak Local Government Area population of the study consisted of 2734 teachers in primary schools. 150 teacher were randomly selected for sampling technique three research questions were raised. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage. Survey design was for the study. The finding revealed that teachers attitude toward classroom management styles influence effective teaching of mathematics in primary schools. The study recommended that teacher. Should be motivated by government so that they may maintained positive attitude towards effective teaching of mathematics. The study conclude that attitude therefore is fundamental to the dynamics of behavious and determines how far the student learns.  Â



1.1   Background of the Study

A teacher is the element in the education process. The teacher, by his training and exposure, determines progress in all the facts of education in schools. Enem (2001) likens an African teacher of today to a farmer who with antiquated hoes or other crude instruments available to him cultivates his farm. The above statements show that a teacher is germane and highly indispensable in the operation of the curriculum. The importance of teacher’s and the roles they play in the educative process are central to basic education particularly in the third world countries. In the more advanced countries, there may be close substitutes for teachers roles in the form of teaching machines with programmed instruction, but in the third word countries such as Nigeria, teachers undoubtedly remain the managers of knowledge. Have the national policy on education (FRN 1981) clearly asserts that no education system can rise above the quality of its teaching.

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However, attitude as a concept is concerned with an individual way of thinking, acting and behaving. It has very serials implications for the learners, the teacher, the immediate social group with which the individual learner relates and the entire school system. Attitudes are formed as a result of some kind of learning experiences. They may also be learned simply by following the example or opinion of parent, teacher or friend. This is mimicry or limitation, which also has a part to play in the teaching and learning salutation.

In this respect, the learner draws from his teachers’ disposition to form his own attitude which may likely affect his learning outcome. In his observational theory, Banalura (2001) demonstrated that behaviours are acquired by watering another (the model, teacher, parents, mentor) that perform the behaviour. The model displays it and the learner observes and tries to imitate it, teachers are invariably, role models whose behaviours are easily copied by students.

What teachers like or dislike appreciate and how they feel about their teaching could have a significant effect on their students. Teachers attitudes are influenced by their culture and belief system in effective teaching processes, an opportunity is created whereby the teacher can talk to the student directly or in small groups. Teaching according to Adeola (2011) citing Oyedeyi (1998) is the process of imparting in the students knowledge, skills and attitude in order to bring about a desirable change in the learners. Desirable transformation can only occur in the learner when a teacher has a good mastery of the subject have a map to follow in term of well-prepared lesson plan/note, grab the pupils attention through effective class control mechanism or strategy.

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Akanolege (2010) identify ten researches supporting characteristics of effective teaching these according to him attention on pupils achievement, quality teaching responsive to pupils learning processes, effective and efficient learning opportunities, pedagogical practices that create cohesive learning communities, effectives links betroan school and cultural context or the school, multiple tasks to support learning cycles, aligned curriculum goal effectively, pedagogy scaffolds feedback on students task engagement among others to primary schools.

1.2   Statement of the Problems

It can be observed that the state primary education board and ministry of education are in constant surveivance to watch the activities of teachers in the secondary and primary schools. Many a times, teachers attitude such as lateness to schools, poor attendance to school, disobedience to the head teacher, fighting among teachers, sexual disapproved attitude are observed. Teachers are often queried, panelized or punished by the board or ministry of education with the intention of stepping down the negative effect of their negative behaviours on the entire system including effective teaching of primary school mathematics. It is on this ground that the researcher decides to investigate on teachers attitude and effective teaching of primary school mathematics in Abak Local Government Area.

1.3   Purpose of the study                  Â

  1. To find out the influence of teachers attitude towards attendance to classes and effective teaching of mathematics.
  2. To assess the influence of teachers attitude toward classroom management and effective teaching of mathematics.

1.4   Significance of the StudyÂ

This study will provide a reliable information to the stake holders in educational programmes about some elements of teachers poor attitude towards effective teaching of mathematics. The information from the findings will also enhance the evaluation as assessment of teacher’s performances by the headteachers and supervisors.

  1. The ministry of education state primary schools and state secondary education boards world use the finding of the study of effects a positive change in teacher attitude to effective teaching of mathematics.
  2. Finally this study, will serve as an index for future research and add value to the present literature.
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1.5   Research Questions

  1. To what extent does teachers attitude towards the use of instructional materials influence effective teaching of mathematics in primary schools.
  2. How does teachers attitude towards attendance to classes influence effective teaching of mathematics in primary schools.
  3. How does teachers attitude toward classroom management influence effective teaching of mathematics in primary schools.

1.6   Delimitation of the StudyÂ

This study focus only on teachers attitude and effective teaching of primary schools mathematics in Abak Local Government Area. Â

Â1.7   Limitation of the Study

This work is limited by insufficient funds to extend the research to a wider scope.  Â

Â1.8   Definition of Terms       Â

  1. Attitude is defined as a concept that deals with an individual ways of thinking, acting and behaving.
  2. Absenteeism: Define as a situation where by the staff stay away from duty without permission.
  3. Truancy: Define as a number of unexcused absence by a staff of work as determine locally.
  4. Influence: This is the power to affect some body’s characters belief or action thought example your advice and administration.




This chapter deals with the review of the related literature done by previous authors under the following sub-headings.

2.1    Teachers attitude towards the use of instructional materials and effective teaching of mathematics.

2.2    Teacher attitude toward attendance to classes and effective teaching of mathematics.

2.3    Teacher attitude toward classroom management and effective teaching of mathematics.

2.4    Chapter summary

Etima Harrison

Etima Harrison is an accomplished researcher and the driving force behind, a leading platform for quality academic research writing. With a solid educational background that includes a National Certificate in Education (NCE) in English Language and Political Science, a Bachelor's degree in Social Studies Education, and a Master's degree in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Etima has honed expertise in the academic field. Boasting over 10 years of experience, Etima has successfully authored more than 1,000 research papers for students ranging from ND to PhD levels. Their work is recognized not only in Nigeria but also globally, making a trusted resource for students and academics seeking top-notch research support. Etima's commitment to excellence and passion for education have cemented their reputation as a leader in the field of academic research.

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