Job Satisfaction and the Teaching of Social Studies among Primary School Teachers

Job Satisfaction and the Teaching of Social Studies among Primary School Teachers
The study investigated job satisfaction and teaching the teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local government Area. The population of the study was made up of all the teachers in all the thirty-eight primary schools in the study area. Three research questions and three research hypotheses were generated to direct the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample of fifty (50) respondents was randomly selected for the study. The selection was done through the simple random sampling technique. This was to give equal and independent opportunity to all the members in the population area to be selected. The questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. To test the hypotheses postulated to direct the study, Pearson product moment correlation analysis was considered most appropriate to test the hypotheses for the study. The .05 level of significance was used for the statistical testing of each of the hypothesis for the study. The result of the analysis indicated that teachers’ promotion, payment of salaries, condition of service significantly relate to teachers teaching effectiveness. Based on the findings of the study, it recommended among others that government should design working procedure including hours work, over time payment and hour’s payment.
1.1 Background to the Study
Teaching is a highly noble profession and teachers are always a boon to the society. The ultimate process of education could be simplified as a meaningful interaction between the teacher and the taught. The teacher thus plays a direct and crucial role in moulding a pupil towards education. Since a teacher is a role model for the pupils, job satisfaction and eventually performance of teachers become very vital in the fields of education.
Job satisfaction is either a global feeling about the job or a related constellation of attitudes about various aspects of facets of the job. The facet approach is used to find out which parts of the job produce satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The more important factors conducive to job satisfaction include mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive working conditions and supportive colleagues. For most employees work also fills the need for social interaction and so, friendly supportive employees also lead to increased job satisfaction (Drago and others, 2012). Job satisfaction can also be seen as an indicator of emotional well-being or psychological health.
The relevance of job satisfaction is very crucial to the long-term growth of any educational system around the world. It probably ranks alongside professional knowledge and skills, centre competencies, educational resources and strategies as the veritable determinants of educational success and performance. Professional knowledge, skills and centre competencies occur when one feels effective in one’s behavior. Teachers‟ opportunities for promotion are also likely to exert an influence on job satisfaction. By supporting this Robbins (1998) maintains that promotion opportunities provide for personal growth, increased responsibility, and increased social status. Limited or lack of opportunities of teachers for promotion affects educational outputs negatively. According to Luthans (1998), salaries not only assist people to attain their basic needs, but are also instrumental in satisfying the higher level needs of people. Monetary and other kinds of equitable incentives encourage teachers‟ job satisfaction.
According to Boone and Kuntz (1992), offering employees fair and reasonable compensation, which relates to the input the employee offers the organization, should be the main objective of any compensation system. Included in the category of compensation are such items as medical aid schemes, pension schemes, bonuses, paid leave and travel allowances. Generally, schools will not be operate smoothly and cannot achieve their objectives and goals if the teachers are not satisfy in their job. While almost every teacher works in order to satisfy his or her needs in life, he or she constantly agitates for need satisfaction.
There are many factors which play an important part in the success of educational institutions like teachers, money and other resources. but from them, “teachers” are the most important factors for success rate of educational institutions. So, it is essential for every management to effectively utilize their teachers. In an educational institution every teacher is assigned certain set of tasks to perform where he or she is working and these set of tasks is known as his or her job in an educational institution. As teachers are very important in any educational institution, it is vital to track on their performance, attitude and feelings. Every management believes that “satisfied teachers can bring their institution success” so it is very important for every management to identify whether their employees are really satisfied or not? And Job satisfaction survey is a tool to check whether a teacher is happy with his job or not. It is important for every institution to know job satisfaction level of their employees because success of their institutions is dependent to a great extent upon the satisfied employees of the institution. Satisfaction refers to individual elements of one’s job, like as salary, promotion, growth prospects, physical environment, working hours, so on and so forth
Teacher Job Satisfaction is a measure of organizational or school effectiveness. When teachers are not satisfied with their jobs to the extent that attrition rate is high, it means that the schools are not effective. Igwe (2010) sees an effective school as one that could provide admission opportunities and turn out reputable students which in turn would project the image of the catchments to the outside world. Griffin (2014) is of the opinion that an effective school is one that meets the following criteria: (1) ability to acquire the resources needed (2) ability to operate smoothly and efficiently without strain (3) ability to satisfy the demands and expectations of the groups that have a strong interest in the organization.
When schools meet the above criteria, they can now be regarded as effective. Schools in Nigeria cannot be said to be effective with the present situation of things. Classes are overcrowded, basic facilities are lacking, teachers’ salaries are irregular and teacher job satisfaction is lacking. A lot still needs to be done to ensure that our schools meet up with the goals for which they are established. In the light of the foregoing therefore, this study seeks to explore job satisfaction among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium local government area.
Job Satisfaction and the Teaching of Social Studies among Primary School Teachers
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In ideal situation, all employees, teachers included, should enjoy performing their duties each day and retire to their homes with an eagerness of seeing the next day so as to go back to their jobs. This is because such workers have no reservations on their jobs hence they give their all. It is however observed that in Nigeria, as is indeed with most developing countries, most teachers are not satisfied with their jobs.
There has been so much complaint about the falling standard of education in Nigeria. Parents and the government complain that teachers are to blame as they have not been alive to their responsibilities. They accuse teachers of abandoning their duties for other businesses, truancy, absenteeism and dereliction of duty, leaving the pupils to their fate. Teachers on their part blame the government for late payment of salaries and allowances, poor working conditions, poor salary structure, lack of incentive, poor motivation leading to job dissatisfaction. The Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) has used incessant strike actions to press for salary increase and better condition of service. The non-professionalization of teaching has also compounded the problem of teachers as teachers do not receive the same treatment as their counterparts in other professions who have better salary structure and conditions of service.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recommended that developing nations spend 26% of their annual budget on education but Nigeria spends only about 10% or less of its budget on education. This has led to the inability of the government to equip school with modern facilities. Teachers work under very poor conditions and this situation cannot make for school effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, most government policies that concern education are formulated by politicians who know little or nothing about education. These policies are then pushed down to teachers to carry out and they end up most times not working as those policies run parallel to the educational problems of the nation. It is for this reason that the study seeks to establish the level of job satisfaction and determine the degree of teacher effectiveness among primary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of job satisfaction and the teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nist Ubium Local Government Area. Specifically, the study intents to:
- Determine the influence of prompt payment of teachers’ salary and teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
- examine the influence of teachers’ promotion and the teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
- Determine the influence of teachers’ condition of service and the teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
1.4 Significance of the Study
It is anticipated that the study will:
- Provide school teachers and head teacher with information about job satisfaction and what factors are affecting it. This will be used to improve their relationships and management approaches.
- Provide public primary schools with insights on correct management styles that will improve their performance.
- Provide useful information to the Ministry of Education on how to develop best education management practices and policies to enhance job satisfaction of teachers in public primary schools.
- Stimulate further research on appropriate practices that will enhance job satisfaction and effectiveness among employees thus improving productivity and develop commitment of public servants.
1.5 Research Questions
The following research question guided the study;
- What is the influence of prompt payment of teachers’ salary and teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area?
- What is the influence of teachers’ promotion and the teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area?
- What is the influence of teachers’ condition of service and the teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area?
1.6 Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses guided the study;
- There is no significant influence of prompt payment of teachers’ salary and teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
- There is no significant influence of teachers’ promotion and teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
- There is no significant influence of teachers’ condition of service and teaching of social studies among primary school teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
1.7 Delimitation of the Study
This study was designed to examine the influence of job satisfaction and teaching of social studies among primary schools teachers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. All public primary schools in the study area were considered for the study. The study only public primary schools teachers.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
This study is limited to how job satisfaction can encourage and impart into the teaching of social studies in primary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. The researcher in the course of carrying out the study encountered several challenges that posed a threat to the success of the study. Such among the challenges encountered was financial problem and time constraint as these could not allow the researcher to cover all the primary schools in the study area due to the area large land mass. The study was also carried out along with other academic activities.
1.9 Operational Definitions of Terms
The following is the definitions of major terms as they are used in the study.
Satisfaction: A state of contentment.
Dissatisfaction: The fact or condition of having feelings or expressions of discontent
Job: A piece of work especially one done for hires or profit.
Teachers’ Job satisfaction: The term job satisfactions refer to the attitude and feelings teachers have about their work. Positive and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate job satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction and the Teaching of Social Studies among Primary School Teachers
This chapter is concerned with the review of works done by other authors that are related to this study. The review is carried out under the following sub-headings:
- The Concept of Job satisfaction
- Prompt Payment of Teachers’ Salaries and the Teaching of Social studies in Primary Schools
- Teachers’ In-services Training and the Teaching of Social studies in Primary Schools
- Teachers’ Promotion and the Teaching of Social studies in Primary Schools
- Summary of Literature Review